Holy Ghost Orthodox Church
Orthodox Church in America (OCA)
210 Maplewood Avenue, Ambridge, PA 15003

Parish Photo Gallery


Diocesan Skating Party

Over the weekend, some of our youth enjoyed a nice outing to go ice skating at the Rink at PPG Plaza in downtown Pittsburgh!

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The Meeting of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the Temple

Blessing of candles for the Feast.

Troparion — Tone 1
Hail, Virgin Theotokos, full of grace; / for from you has shone forth the Sun of Righteousness, Christ our God, / giving light those in darkness. / Be glad, O righteous Elder; / for you received in your arms the Redeemer of our souls, / Who bestows upon us resurrection.

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Theophany of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

When Thou, O Lord, was baptized in the Jordan the worship of the Trinity was made manifest for the voice of the Father bear witness to Thee and called Thee His beloved Son. And the Spirit, in the form of a dove, confirmed the truthfulness of His word. O Christ, our God, Who has revealed Thyself and has enlightened the world, Glory to Thee!

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